I cant figure out why no one else has reviewed this yet.
Ive only used it for about a half hour so far, but Im impressed. Im not sure what more you could ask for in a graphing _calculator_ (its not Mathematica, but it doesnt pretend to be). Okay, I lied: Im dinging it half a star for not having an RPN mode and half a star for not allowing arbitrary numerical bases, rather than just base ten. Oh, and half a star for not having any integrated printing ability that I can find. But then I rounded up so...
As for its graphing abilities: Itll do functions, polar functions, parametrics, implicit functions, inequalities, complex parametrics, and all the basic statistical plots. It even has a "guess my function" game. It graphs up to, at least, twenty equations at once. You can find minima and maxima, roots and intersections with a graphic interface and it will dump your function into a user-defined data-table. As far as I can yet tell it will not do curve-fitting to a user-defined data-set, but it will do scatter plots...
It also has lots of constants and built-in functions, to which you can add your own, and a fairly complete unit conversion suite. If I had a gripe here it would be that there is no way (that I can see) to add functions and constants en masse or to trade suites of them among the user community.
As a pair of lagniappes it has a polynomial solver (up to 10th degree) and a triangle solver (give it at least one side-length and any two others of side-length and/or angle and it will solve for the rest, including multiple solutions if they exist).
It even has a surprisingly complete reference section that includes classical mechanics. If I had my druthers Id like to see this expanded to cover even more advanced mathematics and physics (and chemistry), but the most surprising thing is that it even exists: Its sort of like having a miniature Schaums Outline built in.
If it added integrated printing (with user control over axes placement, span and denomination frequency, along with titling and function-definition placement) Id probably give it five stars. Though I really want arbitrary numerical bases as well...
dmanasco about EduCalc Pro